Children's House

30 Months - School Age

Our Children’s House curriculum aims to nurture the development of the whole child. The Montessori materials and experiences develop both physical and psychological independence, decision-making, logical and analytical thinking.

The Children’s House environment provides ample opportunities for the development of the child’s socio-emotional, physical (both gross and fine motor), self-regulatory, language and math skills through the following curriculum areas.

Fees & Enrolment

Area of Focus

Practical Life

The Montessori Practical Life Curriculum incorporates exercises and activities that children observe in daily life with an emphasis on the development of life skills that support independent thought and action. Learning to set the table, prepare snack, clean and care for the environment and to host guests all enable the child to develop social skills that are needed in society. These activities develop children’s concentration, and fine motor skills. Typical practical life activities involve food preparation, care of self and the environment and lessons in grace & courtesy.


Sensorial activities allow children to refine their senses of sight, touch, sound, smell and taste so that they are able to organise sensory impressions and their understanding of the world. Through sensorial materials, children learn about similarity and difference, dimensions, colours and shapes, and distinguish between smells, taste and sound. Sensorial work also prepares children for mathematics, language and geometry by teaching children how to classify and sort.


The Mathematics Curriculum develops the child’s understanding of abstract mathematical concepts and relationships through hands-on learning experiences. Children learn to count, identify and match numerals to their quantity, relate decimal quantities and symbols, and become aware of the functions of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division by using the Montessori materials.


The Montessori Language Curriculum provides children with the knowledge and skills to build their vocabulary and understanding of language. The skills required for reading, writing and oral language are developed through hands-on experience using the Montessori language materials. Children learn letter sounds (phonics), letter identification and formation, how to combine sounds to make words, how to build simple sentences, and how to properly hold a pencil. Oral language skills are developed through daily social interactions, group time experiences, and lessons in grace and courtesy.


The Culture Curriculum incorporates a wide range of subjects, including- Geography, Botany, Zoology, Science, History, Music and Art. Through explorations of culture, children develop an understanding of their community, their world, and their social responsibilities. Children learn to respond to diversity with respect, appreciate music and art, and develop awareness of sustainability.

"Free the child potential, and you will transform him into the world."

- Dr. Maria Montessori.


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